Why It Is Important To Have A Regular Exercising Schedule?

The one thing all successful people integrate into their daily or at least weekly schedule is a fitness regime. Whether it’s going for a walk or doing CrossFit every day. Having a regular schedule keeps the mind and body active, in all aspects of life, and is widely used by billionaires and sports stars. Integrating a workout routine at least twice a week keeps the body fit which in turn makes the mind stimulated.

Even in a time like this with gyms being a literal adventure you go on, HIIT workouts and home workouts are a great way to start. If you’re more of a weights guy, for the cost of a commercial yearly gym membership you can get a great set of dumbbells and ankle weights. Probably the best place to get quality dumbbells for a reasonable price would be Decathlon.

Thanks to regular habits and a sense of self-discipline, you can clearly see the way things are going in the different aspects of your work as well as personal life. 

A really great way to begin scheduling your life is known as time blocking -where you break your day in smaller increments of time. 30 minute intervals are good to start with. Elon Musk uses a similar approach although his day is broken into 5 minute intervals.

Another great way to manage time is to find your own productivity zone. Give yourself a set time that is just for you! A sort of anchor for the day. A workout is a great anchor! 

Some different time management methods include:

1. The pomodoro technique. (really effective but hard.) 
2. To set alarms. (this is effective but annoying) 
3. Waking up early. (Harder than it sounds) 
4. Journaling your day and planning the next. ( This one requires a tonne of work, but future you will thank you) 
5. Using an app. (this method is easiest but keeps you on your phone for a longer time).

The top 5 apps to help you manage your time and create a schedule to follow are:

● Google Calendar 
● Woven 
● Timepage 
● JEFIT workout planner 
● 30Day Fitness at home

In conclusion, keeping a fitness schedule and sticking to it will help you organize, enjoy and simplify your day, and help you create a more sustainable work life balance. So happy scheduling and we’ll see you in the next one.

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