This is a question that is asked by all of us. How do I stay active? How do I get myself to get in a workout on a daily basis and eat well to reach my fitness goals? Well, when we think about it like this it seems like a task that is quite hard …
Why should you exercise regularly? Why get out of your comfort zone every single day and put your body through that stress when you can just sit comfortably on that couch, watch a show you like and eat those munchies all day long? Well, this may be hard to believe but exercising regularly does have …
Finally!! It’s a new year and it’s another opportunity to do all the things you wish you had done better last year. Of course, last year was probably full of unpleasant surprises for many of us but the fact that you’re reading this is proof that you have survived a year that was definitely by …
A lot of us think physical exercise is just to maintain and make sure that our health and wellness is on point. However, that’s not the case at all. Maybe you’re not going to be as happy as you were when you were a kid playing in the mud but I can promise you that …
Exercise is essentially any physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive and purposefully focused to improve the physical and mental state of a human being. Your exercise should depend on what your focus is on and what you are trying to improve. For example, the exercise routine of a professional sprinter will be different from …
Many of us wonder how some people, could be your friends or family, are always in good shape. They stay fit and healthy throughout but at the same time they do enjoy everything that life offers. It can be pretty puzzling. Well, for the most part, you need to keep in mind that even though …
Congratulations! The very fact that you’re reading this means you’ve taken the first step to living a healthier and fitter lifestyle. Now let’s take a moment to look at the bigger picture- How to stay the path of your fitness journey! The starting point is to set a goal, have a plan and try your …
This is a question asked by pretty much everyone. “How do we dedicate ourselves to fitness?” It’s a pretty good question to be honest and there is no right answer to it. Everyone goes about it their own way. Everyone has their own reasons for doing something. The real task is to find a reason …
What are you working out for? There’s got to be a purpose to everything we do or we wouldn’t be doing those things right? This blog is going to talk about fitness goals and why we need them. When it comes to fitness goals it’s like shoe sizes, it varies from person to person. A …
Are You finding it hard to find the will to start working out? Or do you not know where to start? That’s completely fine because all of us have been there at one point. Nobody starts off with running. We all need to learn how to walk before we can run. This blog discusses how …