What are the health benefits involved? Let’s look at coconut oil In the run for India’s healthiest cooking oil, we really should look at the health benefits involved with cooking with coconut oil! Easy to digest – Coconut oil contains medium chained fatty acids (MCTs) high metabolise faster. They are also comparatively easier to digest …
Nuts as a healthy snack – When you are advised to stay away from food which is high in calorie count, it does not include nuts. Nuts are not an unhealthy junk food. Nuts are dense in calories but are one of the best snacks available with a high concentration of healthy fats, protein and …
Choosing between fitness and fun It seems almost cruel asking to choose huh? If you’re like most people and you’ve been good all week, you probably want to relax during the weekend. It could include having some beer with your friends at the bar, throwing back some shots, or just sipping a nice cocktail and …
Comparing sugar and jaggery What is jaggery? Jaggery is the delicious caramel holding your peanuts together in your peanut chikki! If for some reason you’ve never had a peanut chikki or other sweets like it – get one immediately! They’re delicious! Sugar and jaggery are both sweetners which are made from sugarcane juice. Though they’re …
Revisiting the good stuff – The Indian context India has never been short on the production of fruits and vegetables. India’s consumption of fruits and vegetables is well below the global average. Surprisingly, consumption of these healthy foods is not dependent on the average household income. Since India is an agrarian country, rural families have …
1.Eating every couple hours does not increase body metabolism. Contrary to popular belief, eating small meals every couple hours does not increase your body’s metabolism. This myth originated from the fact that your body uses some calories to digest the food itself, and therefore eating every so often would probably use more calories. Numerous studies …
Choosing between fitness and fun It’s all well and good during the week. You’ve been eating your oranges and are sticking to your calorie count each day. You’ve been cooking healthy and have a buddy who motivates you to continue eating healthy. You haven’t cheated and are very proud of yourself! And then it’s Friday. …
What is PCOS? PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This condition affects the hormone level of women, specifically women between the ages of 15 and 44. This condition causes women to produce hormones at a level which is higher than normal. The general diagnosis doctors make have symptoms like high male hormone (androgen) levels, irregular …
Which should you choose? After China, India is the world’s second largest consumer of rice. With close to 1 crore metric tonnes of rice being consumed in our country each year, we should definitely take a closer look at this food grain! With more than 600 varieties of rice, let’s narrow down out the debate …
Alpha control in your diet! Be it festival season or a midnight night snack, there is always a voice in my head jockeying for control. The voice always seems to say things like, “One more jamun never hurt anyone! Go on, just take it!” Or like, “You can just doanother rep in the morning, add …