Food cravings taking over your diet plans?

Alpha control in your diet!

Be it festival season or a midnight night snack, there is always a voice in my head jockeying for control. The voice always seems to say things like, “One
jamun never hurt anyone! Go on, just take it!” Or like, “You can just do
another rep in the morning, add that extra butter!”

Voice sounds all too familiar to you too?

Know you have an option and take back control

Knowing you are in control and reasoning with that voice in your head
definitely helps. When you have a piece of cake in front of you, change your
perspective from “I need to eat all of it” to “There is a piece of cake in front
of me, I can take it or leave it.”

When you experience a hunger pang, studies show that most times its just
your body’s way of expressing thirst! Don’t grab food and feel guilty during and after your meal. Drink some water, wait ten minutes and see if it continues. If your craving doesn’t pass, eat your food guilt-free!

How many times have you forbade yourself to have any fast food in your
life? How many times have you seen it and felt like your life strings were
held onto that slice of pizza?

How many times have you thrown your diet plan out the window and
consoled yourself with the words ‘I’ll start from tomorrow’?

Don’t do this to yourself. Food is food, and you should not deny yourself that happiness! You can take control of situations like this quite easily. Create a diet plan which include all your favourite foods in moderation. That way you stick to your plan and don’t deny yourself your favorite butter dosa. When you allow yourself to indulge in moderation, you aren’t plagued by your guilt and won’t find the need to overindulge each time you get a chance to go ham.

Another tell tale sign of your food having control you is when you just can’t stop eating even you’re full. No, I’m not talking about the times your grandmother is forcing you to have one more bite. I’m talking about the times you’re watching Netflix and didn’t realise you finished your full plate of pulav so you proceed to pause your show to get some more. I’m also talking about the cup of ice cream you refill only because you can’t seem to ignore the tub of ice cream screaming for you from your freezer.

Times like this is when you realise high fibre, nutrient dense food is your friend! Fill up on these kinds of foods so you rarely feel hungry and can easily stop when you’re full. Stock up on healthy food you enjoy so that you rarely feel your craving for unhealthy food. Snack on fruits and nuts instead of chips and biscuits to stay consistent in your weight loss!

You’re in control of your diet, so make it show in every dietary decision you make from today!

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