While there are many myths surrounding working out, there are some common ones that many believe to be true. The purpose of this blog is to break down the myths so that we know what’s factual and what’s not.

MYTH 1: Working out on an empty stomach burns more fat

This is one of the most common myth that is almost completely baseless. Your body actually needs energy while working out so that you can make the most of your workout.

It’s always good to have something light before a workout to make sure that you have a great workout.

MYTH 2: It’s too late to lose weight

This is absolutely not true. Doesn’t matter what your age is, it’s never too late to lose weight.

The rate at which you lose weight, gain strength or improve your endurance may vary with your age but it is definitely something that’s for everyone. So, pick an exercise routine that you can follow consistently and it is sure to reward you.

MYTH 3: A painless workout doesn’t count

This is another very common notion that many have. When you workout on a regular basis you’re bound to get used to it and you may not become sore from every workout you perform. That doesn’t mean that your workout is not effective.

MYTH 4: You need a gym to get in shape

You don’t need a gym or equipment of any sort to get in shape. A yoga mat, resistance bands or even using your body weight are effective ways of exercising. A full body workout is possible in the comfort of your home without any equipment whatsoever.

MYTH 5: Working out in the morning is better than evening workouts

There is no study that proves this to be true. Working out at any time is absolutely fine as long as you’re consistent and you’re comfortable with the timing that you have decided. The most important thing is personal preference and convenience. So, find a time that suits you best and make exercise a part of your routine.

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