Immunity is something all of us need to improve on irrespective of the time and the situation.
It’s something that improves on it’s own along with an improvement in good health. However, considering the current situation with the second and the third wave of the Coronavirus setting in, it’s important we all pay special attention to building our immunity and maintaining it at it’s finest to avoid chances of getting infected as much as we can.

With that said, we’re going to be talking about some of the foods that you should include on a daily basis to improve your immunity.

#1 – Turmeric

This is a spice that has been used in Indian cooking for ages and there is a good reason for it. Turmeric is used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in treating inflammation in any part of the body because of a certain ingredient it possesses called curcumin which is also a great modulator of the immune system.

#2 – Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, grapefruits, guavas, kiwis, etc are all rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in the production of white blood cells in the body and these cells are essential in fighting diseases and infections. It also helps in removing free radicals from the body which further reduces the chances of getting infected.

#3 – Spinach

Green leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in Iron and Vitamin C. The iron in spinach helps in the production of fresh blood and keeping blood impurities at bay. Spinach is also packed with antioxidants that improve the body’s disease fighting ability. It’s also important to include spinach in a growing child’s diet as it contains certain essential nutrients to grow and secure a healthy immune system.

#4 – Almonds

Almonds contain Vitamin E which is a fat-soluble vitamin. The vitamin E aids the production of red blood cells that boost the flow of blood to all parts of the body. This helps make our immune system stronger. It’s good to have 4 – 5 almonds a day to make sure you get your fill of Vitamin E.

#5 – Green Tea

Green tea contains many antioxidant properties that help the body detox toxins and other harmful elements. Experts state that you should have 3 – 4 cups of green tea in a day as it not only keeps you hydrated but also could help in flushing out the toxins from the body and therefore keeping your immune system healthy.

#6 – Ginger

Ginger is a food that has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It’s commonly used in the treatment of a sore throat because of its anti-viral properties. It can also improve digestion and help maintain a healthy gut thereby strengthening the immune system.

These are some of the foods that are easily accessible and can be consumed on a daily basis. Keeping your immune system strong can go a long way in warding off diseases and infections. Hope this helps you and keeps you healthy.

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