The coronavirus is an illness that causes acute respiratory problems. The most common symptoms of this are having a continuous cough, fever and sometimes even having no smell/taste. The first thing you should do if you think you are COVID +ve is, take a test just to confirm. If you are COVID +ve there is no need to panic.

The best thing you can do is eat right and rest well to make sure you recover at the earliest and in the best way possible. In this blog, we’re going to talk about the kind of diet you should be following if you are COVID-19 +ve.

Here’s What You Should Include In Your Diet:


It’s important to ensure that you follow a protein-rich diet. A protein-rich diet not only helps in cellular regeneration but also helps prevent weakness, fatigue and inability to perform daily activities caused by the loss of muscle. Protein deficiency is also directly related to the immune system not functioning at its best which could result in the symptoms getting worse or a longer recovery period.

Healthy Fats

Make sure to include your healthy fats like your Omega-3s in your diet. When you’re affected by COVID-19 there is a lot of body pain which is caused by inflammation. Consuming your healthy fats helps with this inflammation owing to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Some sources of healthy fats come from your fish and nuts. Also, make sure that you don’t consume an excessive amount of fats to make sure that your body is not overburdened to process them while fighting the disease at the same time.

Fruits & Vegetables

Your fruits and vegetables often give you the nutrition that most foods don’t. They possess many important minerals and vitamins that not only help in the proper functioning of our systems but help keep the immune system at its finest so that the body can overcome diseases.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is present in foods like lime, oranges, guava, kiwis etc. Vitamin C helps in the formation of antibodies and therefore boosts your immunity. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant that fights free radicals present in the body which will thus help in a faster recovery.

Apart from including all this in your diet, it’s extremely important that you eat enough. You may not always have an appetite to eat but it is important that you do. If you don’t feel like eating much, try to spread your meals across the day so that it becomes easier. Always focus on nutritious foods and avoid junk foods as they are harder for you to digest. Keeping this in mind, hope you’re staying safe and staying healthy.

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