Many of us wonder how some people, could be your friends or family, are always in good shape. They stay fit and healthy throughout but at the same time they do enjoy everything that life offers. It can be pretty puzzling. Well, for the most part, you need to keep in mind that even though …
What are Aerobic Exercises? Aerobic exercises are exercises that get your blood pumping and large muscle groups working. It’s also known as cardiovascular activity. Some common aerobic activities we come across every day include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, heavy cleaning or gardening and even playing football. At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or …
Black tea is made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia Sinensis just like green tea and white tea so it shares plenty of health benefits with other tea types. However, black tea is considered to be unique and is known to be especially beneficial for certain health purposes. Over 90 percent of all …
Obesity is something that is becoming a major issue in these modern times. With so many sources of fast food available all around us it’s becoming a challenge to stay healthy and fit. Obesity is simply caused by eating too much and moving too little. If you’re consuming high amounts of energy or calories but …
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the world over and changed everyone’s way of life in some way or the other. Healthcare professionals are fighting on the front lines trying their best to save as many as they can. In a situation like this, what we can do to help is step up our immunity to …
When was running invented? That’s a pretty hard question but the most probable answer to that would be when the first known biped ran to save its own life. Running was officially born as a sport in 776 B.C.E, in ancient Greece in the town of Olympia. Since its inception, the race was the only …
Many people think lifting weights or going to the gym is exclusively reserved for adults. In all honesty, people of all age groups get the same benefits of lifting weights. However, lifting weights is just one way of fitness. There are plenty of ways to go about to improve fitness levels, strength and general health. …
This is a very subjective question to be honest. Physical fitness is ideally a person’s ability to perform tasks effectively and efficiently. It is a state of health and well being. Physical fitness can be achieved through a combination of good nutrition, moderate to vigorous physical exercise and sufficient rest. There are many aspects that …
This is a question asked by pretty much everyone. “How do we dedicate ourselves to fitness?” It’s a pretty good question to be honest and there is no right answer to it. Everyone goes about it their own way. Everyone has their own reasons for doing something. The real task is to find a reason …
Good health and fitness are directly correlated. They both go hand in hand. Health is defined as a state where all systems of your body function efficiently. It is the absence of disease both physically and mentally. Fitness is the ability to perform specific tasks well. It is often very specific to goals or tasks. …