Mindful eating requires choosing the right quantities of foods for any given meal. To understand that there are two terms to be aware of: serving size and portion size. A serving size is a standardized serving of food described on nutrition labels of packaged food products. Companies use serving sizes to list down nutrition information …
Workout routines prompt the human body to expend energy and burn calories. But there is another factor that also helps in burning calories and that is NEAT. NEAT is abbreviated to Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It refers to calories burned by any physical activity that does not count as exercise. This includes spontaneous physical movements that …
The human body is home to many microbes, majorly bacteria, viruses and fungi. And millions of these microbes exist primarily on the skin and in the gut. Among these microbes, bacteria, specifically good bacteria, are crucial for a healthy human being. It has been estimated that there is close to a 1,000 species of bacteria …
Dietary supplements are those that add extra or missing nutrients to the diet. There are a number of different supplements for many different needs. For muscle gain and strength building, the most common supplements are protein powders, creatine, BCAAs and fat burners, among a few others. But supplements are exactly what the name implies: they …
There is a general rule that has been embedded into our brains that eating too much very late at night is not healthy. We’ve even heard the phrase, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”. So, why is late-night eating unhealthy? In what way is it unhealthy? Let’s …
We have all given in to cravings at one point of time or the other. A craving for comfort foods can happen even after a person has just eaten. Stress and hormones manage to convince our brain that we are hungry even if we are full. This can lead us to overload on unnecessary high-calorie …
Do you dare to eat carbs after dark? Once we begin out fitness journey, we are hit with fitness facts from all sides. Our Instagram page is suddenly filled with people flexing, mothers throw in some age old recipes for losing weight, other people start counting your calories for you and you just start losing …
Active life: Is it for you? Being active is more than just wearing athleisure clothing. Those leggings and shorts might look fly, but being active is really a whole different lifestyle. The awareness around fitness might be the best thing that’s happening in our country right now. Being fit and ensuring we find ways to …
Are you getting enough activity in? Work is not what it used to be a few decades back. It is vital to know the effects on our body as and when the work environment changes. There is a reason why exercise wasn’t so big before the digital age. India being an agrarian country had much …
Checking your cooking! There are a number of ways to ensure your food is low fat but just as tasty! Why is it important you ask? Well, when you’re counting your calories each day and measuring your weight loss, it is essential to find ways to keep your stomach full with the most nutritious food …