The COVID-19 pandemic had brought the world to a complete halt. All kinds of businesses, offices, etc were closed to ensure that it’s contained. However, among all this chaos with the economy crashing and people running out of work and losing jobs opening everything back up is inevitable and the only way to try and stay safe is to follow certain precautionary measures.

The best ways to reduce the risk of contracting the virus while traveling or commuting to work are:

No.1 – Carry Personal Protective Equipment At All Times

Your personal protective equipment includes a mask and a pair of disposable gloves. If you can it’s best to carry a pair of glasses as well. This protects your hands and wearing a mask reminds you not to touch your face as well.
Also, make sure to wash your mask at least every alternate day if it is a reusable mask.

No.2 – Sanitize Your Hands

As soon as you reach your destination, your first move should be to sanitize your hands or give your hands a good wash. A good wash is making sure that you foam the soap and rub your hands clean with it for at least 20 seconds, after which you wash your hands with water.

To avoid touching everything is quite impossible, so make sure you clean your hands well as soon as you reach wherever you have to.

No.3 – Eat The Right Foods And Safely Pack It

Avoid eating food from street vendors while you travel. This is extremely important as you never know how many people he comes in contact with.
And also, if you’re carrying food to work or some other place, make sure to pack it well and safely. Again, don’t forget to wash your hands well before you have your food.

No.4 – Maintain A Good Distance

While you travel or commute to work make sure that you maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from the person next to you. Nobody is sure of the ideal distance so just make sure you’re at a safe distance and always make sure you have your mask on whether you’re traveling in a bus, train or a subway system.

No.5 – Boost Your Immunity

Have a balanced diet to make sure that you stay healthy during this time and make sure to add enough Vitamin C in your diet. It’s best to have your daily dose of vitamin C in the mornings itself to fight off any free radicals that you may come across which is present in the air.

Some good sources of Vitamin C are your citrus fruits like oranges, mosambis, lime etc.

No.6 – Drink Filtered Water

One of the biggest reasons for the spread is drinking contaminated water. Always carry your own water bottle and do not drink water from unknown sources unless it’s a packaged bottle.

No.7 – Spread Awareness

Now, everyone around you may not know exactly what to do in certain circumstances. Therefore, it is your duty to make sure that they understand the seriousness of the situation and follow the norms that need to be followed to ensure their safety as well.
The more aware people are, the lesser the chances of the virus spreading.

These are some of the few things we can do to try and stay safe during this time. Do your part and you should get by just fine. And in case you have any symptoms don’t wait, get yourself tested immediately.

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