In a nutshell, Cashew or walnut?

Cashew: The kidney shaped treasure

The cashew tree as a whole has been a treasure since the 16th century. This tree was originally found in the Brazil and was then imported by the Portuguese. The cashew wood is precious, the apple is used to make balms and the nut is a delicacy.

Cashews are a delicious tasting nut that have been found to be a very versatile food in India. From eating it raw, roasted to cooking it in a dessert, cashews have taken on almost a royal status here. Cashew nuts are becoming increasingly popular in the West as well, as veganism is on the rise. Cashew nuts are a very good addition in vegan recipes. 

Cashews (which are always de-shelled before shipping by the way) are excellent for your health. They contain heart protective monounsaturated fats. About 82% of the fats in cashews are unsaturated fatty acids. This coupled with the fact that 66% of this fat being heart healthy monounsaturated fats makes it good competition for the walnut!

Cashews also have a good amount of copper and magnesium. Copper which is an antioxidant and helps produce energy, absorption of iron and keeps the blood vessels healthy. Magnesium helps in keeping the bones healthy and strong when coupled with calcium. 

Walnut: The unsung hero

The walnut also belongs to the tree nut family, actually is said to have originated in India! Around 4 BC, it was said to have been exported from around the Caspian Sea to the west, and hence was dubbed the Persian walnut in England. This walnut was then exported to America and was called the English walnut in the Americas! 

The walnut is abundant in nutrition even though it is denser in calories. Walnuts are great tasting and are abundant in Omega 3 fatty acids which are extremely hard to find. Being easy to consume raw, roasted or cooked, the walnuts win for packing all that hard-to-find-anywhere-else nutrition.

Walnuts also contain Vitamin E which is great for the skin, and the walnut skin contains phenolic acid, tannins and flavonoids. Walnuts are unmatched for their cardiovascular benefits. They help reduce blood clotting, increase blood quality and reduce the risk of excess inflammation. They are rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. 

In addition to all this, they have anti-cancer properties since they contain an abundance of anti-oxidants. They are beneficial in the treatment of type-2 diabetes and help in bone health since they contain minerals. 

Type of nut depends on the need

Your choice depends on your needs. If you re looking for nutrition, your obvious choice should be the walnut since it contains nutrients are the precious and hard to find in other foods. If your needs are simply weight loss, cashews are a good choice since they contain a lesser amount of calories! 

Choose wisely and stay healthy! 

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