Have you ever wondered why you feel sleepy around a certain time, have a lot of energy around certain times of the day, why do you feel jet lag etc? There’s a science behind all of this : CIRCADIAN RHYTHM

A circadian rhythm, or circadian cycle, is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours. Your circadian rhythm helps control your daily schedule for sleep and wakefulness. This rhythm is tied to your 24-hour body clock, and most living things have one. Your circadian rhythm is influenced by outside things like light and dark, as well as other factors. Your brain receives signals based on your environment and activates certain hormones, alters your body temperature, and regulates your metabolism to keep you alert or draw you to sleep.


These rhythms affect our hormone secretion, how our bodies process food and even effects drugs on our bodies.

At around 6 am Melatonin secretion stops (hormone responsible for sleep) and at same time increases production of vasopressin and noradrenaline which helps control sleep cycle.

At about 10 am the body’s rising temperature drives up our energy and alertness, and later in our day it also improves our muscle activity and coordination so you are most athletic around 3 pm.

How does the cycle get off?

Every single gene in our body turns on and off at different times of day. Every brain signal and chemical rises and falls at different times of day. So if you have these rhythms properly is to have health. These rhythms break down by:

  • Staying awake late at night
  • changing job shifts
  • screen time at night etc.

Let’s take the example of electronic devices. Bright screens at night can confuse these signals, which is why binging on phones before bed makes it harder to sleep because blue light from the device interferes with the release of Melatonin (sleep hormone). And if we continue abusing our clock for weeks or months it can lead to a variety of chronic diseases like Obesity, Morning sickness. Miscarriages, Post-partum depression, diabetes, insomnia, acid reflux, arthritis, hypertension etc.

How to reset the cycle?

Here are a simple few ways to adjust the the cycle so that you can have a sound sleep cycle and perform better throughout the day:

  • Stick to a schedule every day.
  • Spend time outdoors when there is sunlight
  • Workout 3-5X every week
  • Limit intake of Alcohol, smoking cigarette 
  • Avoid screen time late in the night
  • Do not nap late in the afternoon or evening.

You should definitely speak to a doctor if your condition is deteriorating. Stay healthy. Stay Synced.

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